

I’m @lissnup almost everywhere online. Most people call me Liss. If you are not like most  people feel free to think up your own name for me; that is what I would do. And I am definitely not like most people.

My name is @lissnup and I am an hyperactivist. It has been 3 seconds since my last activity.

The Hyperactivists Pledge:

I am responsible. When anyone, anywhere, cries for help against unfairness or repression, I want an activist to hear, and to speak out for them. And for that: I am responsible.

The Hyperactivists’ Creed

Grant me the energy
to tackle the things that need to change in me;
the strength to accept change in others;
and the wisdom to recognise the difference.
Changing one thing at a time;
Breaking one barrier at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Recognising this cruel world as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that we can make all things right if we work together;
That I may be reasonably fulfilled in this life
by spreading hope, change,
understanding and forgiveness.

and in spite of it all..

8 thoughts on “About

  1. mzsafiya

    Thank you! I got a website and wanted to do what you are doing! But you are doing it so well. Thank you for your compassionate activism.
    (still trying to change the world after many years!)

  2. shupiwe

    Sending you a DM as instructed from Twitter! “I support the right of two people in love to get married, regardless of gender. RT for equality #C4EM”

    • Thanks, though I was surprised to find your “DM” here, as it seems weird for an email (as suggested on my Twitter bio) to arrive as a comment on my blog! Nice sentiment about marriage etc. Best wishes, Anita

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